Setting any tilespacing argument to 0 will disable tiling in that axis (prevents problems with 2002 BGs that have incorrect tilespacing).ĬNS: Added StageVar trigger with basic functionality for checking stage name and author.īG: Fixed paral not working with compressed spritesīG: Fixed paral BGs drawn at incorrect y position at certain resolutions.ĬNS: fixed InGuardDist trigger incorrectly returning 0 during enemy attacks when projectiles outside guard distance exist.ĬNS: Fixed PlayerPush coordspace height bug.įixed physics precision error in certain situations.įixed software rendering sprite scaling position accuracy.įixed player SelfAnim drawn with incorrect offset scaling when in temporary state. Merged EX + alpha audio system into main RC line.īG: tilespacing is now a required parameter for tiled anim BG elements.
MUGEN 1.0 Release Candidate 8 made by Elecbyte